53 research outputs found

    Kernel arquitecture for CAD/CAM in shipbuilding enviroments

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    The capabilities of complex software products such as CAD/CAM systems are strongly supported by basic information technologies related with data management, visualization, communication, geometry modeling and others related with the development process. These basic information technologies are involved in a continuous evolution process, but over recent years this evolution has been dramatic. The main reason for this has been that new hardware capabilities (including graphic cards) are available at very low cost, but also a contributing factor has been the evolution of the prices of basic software. To take advantage of these new features, the existing CAD/CAM systems must undergo a complete and drastic redesign. This process is complicated but strategic for the future evolution of a system. There are several examples in the market of how a bad decision has lead to a cul-de-sac (both technically and commercially). This paper describes what the authors consider are the basic architectural components of a kernel for a CAD/CAM system oriented to shipbuilding. The proposed solution is a combination of in-house developed frameworks together with commercial products that are accepted as standard components. The proportion of in-house frameworks within this combination of products is a key factor, especially when considering CAD/CAM systems oriented to shipbuilding. General-purpose CAD/CAM systems are mainly oriented to the mechanical CAD market. For this reason several basic products exist devoted to geometry modelling in this context. But these basic products are not well suited to deal with the very specific geometry modelling requirements of a CAD/CAM system oriented to shipbuilding. The complexity of the ship model, the different model requirements through its short and changing life cycle and the many different disciplines involved in the process are reasons for this inadequacy. Apart from these basic frameworks, specific shipbuilding frameworks are also required. This second layer is built over the basic technology components mentioned above. This paper describes in detail the technological frameworks which have been used to develop the latest FORAN version.Postprint (published version

    Funciones en el modelado de solidos y paradigmas de diseño

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    En este artículo se describen y analizan las diferentes funciones de modelado de sólidos más comunes que ofrecen los actuales sistemas de CAD. Se explican también las limitaciones e inconsistencias a qué pueden dar lugar el uso de dichas funciones. Por otro lado, también se analizan y comparan los diferentes paradigmas de diseño con los que trabajan los actuales sistemas. Se describe, evalúa y compara el paradigma clásico basado en operaciones booleanas, con los paradigmas basados en el diseño paramétrico y el diseño basado en características. También se describe cual es la interrelación a través de la interfaz de usuario entre los paradigmas de diseño y las funciones de modelado.Postprint (published version

    A Geometric relaxation solver for parametric constraint-based models

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    In this paper, a new relaxation algorithm for solving geometric constraint-based models is proposed. The algorithm starts from a constructive symbolic representation of objects (Constructive Parametric Solid Model, CPSM) and proceeds by iterative relaxation of the geometric constraints. Models that can be reduced to distance and angle constraints can be handled. A new algorithm based on an iterative global deformation of the system is presented and discussed, and its convergence is proved. The performance of hybrid algorithms involving global deformation and individual constraint relaxation is discussed on several practical cases.Postprint (published version

    Videojuegos : conceptos, historia y su potencial como herramientas para la educación

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    Este artículo muestra los principales conceptos y breve historia de los videojuegos junto a temas claves de su evolución. Se establece además, un marco de discusión para comprender el potencial con el que cuentan los videojuegos como una herramienta para la educación.This article shows through concepts and history, key topics mentioned developments and the contribution they have made in different disciplines. Also, provides a framework for discussion to understand the potential of videogames as a tool for education

    Os games digitais como um recurso cognitivo para o ensino da historia da Catalunha: um estudo de caso

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    Os games digitais possuem um valor educativo importante e têm sido reconhecidos pelos educadores como um rico e produtivo espaço que proporciona conteúdos de aprendizagem para os estudantes, melhorando, através dele, o desenvolvimento cognitivo do aluno. Este artigo explora as oportunidades cognitivas dos games digitais como uma ferramenta de aprendizagem e mostra um estudo de caso: o jogo de Joan de Peratallada. O objetivo desse estudo é promover o diálogo e a possível colaboração entre um jogo digital cognitivo aplicado as escolas primárias de forma a colaborar com a ensino de historia de Catalunha, Espanha.Digital games have significant educational value. Educators recognized that digital games are rich and productive environment that provide learning content for the students. With digital games students can improve their cognitive development. In this paper, we explore the cognitive opportunities in digital games as learning tools, presenting a case study: Joan de Peratallada’s game. The main goal of this paper is to promote discussion and contribution of a cognitive digital game used for teaching history of Catalonia (Spain) at primary school

    Investigación-acción como metodología para el diseño de un serious game

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    Se ha producido un importante desarrollo en la investigación relacionada con los juegos educativos y, en especial, con los serious games y el aprendizaje basado en juegos digitales durante la última década. De particular interés son las posibilidades que proporcionan este tipo de juegos para involucrar a los estudiantes en la experiencia de aprendizaje. Los avances recientes incluyen desde desarrollos teóricos hasta la creación de juegos digitales para una amplia gama de planes de estudios o la aparición de entornos de aprendizaje basados en juegos tanto para la educación formal como para la formación de personas. Pero todavía hacen falta principios y propuestas para la investigación y el diseño de serious games, experimentos y metodologías basadas en el diseño de juegos. En este artículo presentamos una experiencia llevada a cabo por un grupo multidisciplinario de investigadores en colaboración con profesores de primaria de la ciudad de Barcelona, España, para desarrollar un juego digital que permite trabajar competencias de educación orientadas a estudiantes de primaria. Hemos diseñado un juego digital utilizando un proceso de cocreación con base en la metodología investigación-acción. El juego llamado Ferran Alsina se creó como un facilitador de una nueva metodología de enseñanza y se centra en trabajar con competencias básicas, metodológicas y específicas para niños de primaria, con edades entre los 8 y 11 años de edad.Postprint (published version

    Juegos digitales en el aula: un caso de estudio

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    Durante el año 2011 se diseño, implementó y estudió un juego digital que muestra la vida de un científico Catalán: El paleontólogo Miquel Crusafont. El juego fue creado como un recurso para el aprendizaje cognitivo y posteriormente fue utilizado en aulas de primaria con el fin de obtener la visión de los profesores involucrados. Como método de recolección de datos se ha utilizado la observación, la entrevista en profundidad y el grupo focal. El objetivo principal de este estudio se centra en reunir la visión de profesores de primaria, al hacer uso de juegos en el aula. Las conclusiones nos muestran las percepciones que los miembros del grupo de estudio tiene sobre el uso de juegos digitales.In 2011, a digital game about the Catalan Paleontologist Miquel Crusafont was designed, implemented and studied. This videogame was created as a ressource for cognitive learning and afterwards it was used in primary schools in order to survey its active users. The methods used to recollect data were observation, in-depth interviews and focus groups. The main target of this study is to collect points of view of different primary school teachers. Conclusions show us how the group of study members perceive the use of digital games

    Usando um Jogo Digital na Sala de Aula do Ensino Fundamental: Visão dos Professores

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    A digital game was created as a resource for cognitive learning and afterwards it was used in primary schools in order to survey its active users. The methods used to recollect data were observation, in-depth interviews and focus groups. The main target of this study is to collect points of view of different primary school teachers. Conclusions show us how the group of study members perceive the use of digital games in the classroom

    The grounded heightmap tree: A new data structure for terrain representation

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    Terrain modeling is a fast growing field with many applications such as computer graphics, resource management, Earth and environmental sciences, civil and military engineering, surveying and photogrammetry and games programming. One of the most widely used terrain model is the Digital Elevation Model (DEM). A DEM is a simple regularly spaced grid of elevation points that represent the continuous variation of relief over space. DEMs require simple storage and are compatible with satellite data. However, they do not easily account for overhangs. In this work we report on the Grounded Heightmap Tree, a new data structure for terrain representation built as a generalization of the DEM. The new data structure allows to naturally represent terrain overhangs. We illustrate the performance of the Grounded Heightmap Tree when applied to represent terrains that undergo big changes.Postprint (published version

    Juegos digitales en las aulas catalanas: el punto de vista de los profesores (2)

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    This paper explains the work that we have been doing since 2012 and related with what primary school teachers think about digital games in Catalan classrooms. The main objective is to discover and understand why teachers in general are not using it. While there is increasing research documenting the progress and outcomes of game- based learning and serious games, relatively little attention is paid to the real use of digital games in classrooms and the teachers perceptions. Depth interviews has been done with primary school teachers in order to have attitudes and teachers point of view. As a results of our work we present several teacher barriers to digital game use, for example, an absence of tecnics and generic tools for assessment “in” and “around” digital games.Postprint (published version